Organisational model canvas
An organisational model canvas helps you design and communicate how your organisation will create value for society and attract necessary financial and human resources to keep your work going. NB! It is partially based on all the other tools.
Is it a business model canvas?
The business model canvas is a widely used tool for strategic management. Its main purpose is to help develop new business models, as well as document existing ones.
Many canvases have been developed, but Alexander Osterwalder’s conceptualization is the most common one. It’s a chart that consists of nine cells and helps people understand connections between them: key partners, key activities, key resources, value proposition, customer relationships, channels, customer segments, cost structure, and revenue streams. It helps the entrepreneurs visualize and communicate your business model or explore new ones.
A business model canvas is indeed a common tool for businesses. However, it’s usually not the best for (youth) organizations or other NGOs. Any business has to generate profit as its most important goal – that’s how the for-profit enterprises measure their success. A business model canvas helps them plan how to do what they do even better to generate bigger profits yet.
On the other hand, when you think about youth organizations or social enterprises working with young people, their first aim is to make a change. It can be for their members or the wider society, but money is mostly used as a means, not a goal by itself. Also, organizations’ opportunities, capacities, etc. can be quite different from those of for-profit companies, so it wouldn’t make sense to use the same approach for both of them.
The organisational canvas is a concise model of your organisation! It helps you to see for yourself and show to others what and how you would like to achieve the goals of your organisation. It combines information from all the previous tools with the facts about your organisation’s finances and partnerships.
Importantly, the organisational canvas helps you to analyse separately your beneficiaries as well as the stakeholders who provide you with resources to achieve your impact goals. After filling in the canvas you can see clearly your strengths and weaknesses in terms of management and content work of your organisation.
Watch the video to get an idea of what the tool is about or continue reading after the video player.
In more detail…
1.Fill in the information about all the cells either the way they are at the moment (if your organisation already exists) or how you imagine your organisation is in the future (if you’re in the process of establishing a new initiative).
2.Start analysing the situation (if your organisation already exists) or testing the assumptions whether the reality would really look like this (if you’re in the process of establishing a new initiative).
NB! Feel free to make adjustments to the tool when necessary.
You can also have variations in its use
LIGHT: Fill in the information according to your and your team’s knowledge.
MEDIUM to ADVANCED: As a preparatory work, use all the analytical tools related to the impact dimension (problem tree, goal tree, etc. leading to the Theory of Change) and other documents that your organization uses to run its activities (e.g. a communication plan).
Here is an example about a cyberbullying prevention program.
Why can it be super useful?
The organisational canvas is a concise model of your organisation showing the link between your impact, activities and needed resources! It helps you to see for yourself and show to others who you are and if you are moving in the right direction. The short, detailed and visual overview of your organization is helpful to understand what your aims are, who the stakeholders are, what your value proposition is, where your resources come from, etc.
When you fill in the canvas before starting a new organization, you can use it to clearly map out what the organization will do and what it will need. If your organization is already established, the canvas is useful for analysing and improving the management of the organisation, helping to point out strengths, weaknesses and opportunities. You can create the canvas from scratch or by using information from other tools.
Have you ever found it difficult to give a clear and brief overview of your organisation to other people (e.g. new team members, funders or even your friends)? The canvas can also be a wonderfully useful communication tool, showing everything that’s important about your organisation on one page.
Why to use it?
☑ To find out whether the way you’re combining or planning to combine all the activities makes sense.
☑To find out what are the essential components of your organisation to keep, improve or change.
☑ To help you explain the work of your organisation to others.
When to use it?
☑ If you´re planning to establish a new organisation, the canvas will help you to realistically imagine what would be needed to run the activities successfully.
☑ If your organisation already exists, you can first fill in the canvas according to you current situation and then use it as a tool to start improving your activities and impact (or communicating these clearly and briefly to others).