Impact indicators list

A LIST OF IMPACT INDICATORS helps you determine, measure and communicate the positive changes that you aim to achieve with and for young people.
What is it?
The indicators indicate whether you´re contributing to the positive changes in the lives of young people. In other words – the indicators show you whether your organization is moving in the right direction when organising activities that aim to create a positive impact.
Compiling and using a list of indicators is essential if you want to first specifically determine what your organisation’s impact is about and then collect necessary information accordingly. The list should be created before measuring your impact so that you know what are the indicators that you will collect information about.
The indicators in the following list are about the changes in the lives of youth as this toolbox is mainly meant to help the organisations working with young people. If you are working in any other field, you can compile your own list of indicators while using this list as an inspiration.
Use the list as a menu or catalogue to choose the indicators that match the best these changes that you would like to contribute to in the lives of young people. Then decide on the exact wording of the chosen indicators. Finally, set your goals and start collecting information according to these indicators.
Variations of use
In the beginning, you may not be able to collect information on whether the youngsters´ situation or behaviour changed. Start with what is possible to collect (e.g. whether the participants think their opportunities will change as a result of attending your programme) and figure out more precise indicators and research methods later on.
- Choose these indicators from the list that describe the best the positive changes you would like to create or negative changes you would like to prevent from happening.
- Work with each of the chosen indicators to make it more specific to match precisely the changes you would like to achieve and measure. Add the final wordings also to the “Outcomes” and “Impact” sections of your theory of change.
- Set a measurable goal per each indicator, e.g. what you would like to achieve and by when.
- Decide on how you will collect information about the progress and results regarding each of the indicators.
Here is an example about a cyberbullying prevention program.
Why to use it?
☑ To understand if the project is moving in the right direction and has the desired impact. By comparing your indicator results to your goals you can decide if and what to change.
When to use it?
☑ After you have decided what are the problems you are inspired to tackle, what you would like to positively change and who are the stakeholders that you will need to influence.
☑ Before you decide how to collect information about the impact of your activities.