Social Entrepreneurship pitch contest “Let the good ideas grow 2022”

Social Entrepreneurship Association of Latvia in cooperation with Luminor bank organise the Social Entrepreneurship pitch or presentation competition ” Let the good ideas grow ” for the second year. The aim of the competition is to promote the development of existing social enterprises and new social entrepreneurship ideas, as well as to share the ideas across Latvia.
The competition is organised in three rounds, with two social entrepreneurs or authors of social entrepreneurship ideas each receiving a cash prize of €2000 to develop their business or idea. The winners are determined by a jury and a live vote of the audience.
This year 50 applications from all over Latvia were received for the contest. 25 strongest ideas and projects were shortlisted for the second round, after which the experts took part in pitch training sessions to identify the 10 finalists.

The main awards – cash prizes of 2000 euros for the growth of the business received project “Created for Movement” submitted by the association “Gaismas laiva” from Sigulda district and the Youth centre TUVU in Brankas, Jelgava district.
The project “Created for Movement” was announced as winner according to the jury decision. The project offers functional clothing and accessories for children with reduced mobility.
The winner of the live audience vote was the Youth centre TUVU in Brankas, with the idea to create a “Coffee Shop” in Ozolnieki – a container-type café where young people can get their first official work experience and facilitate their entry into the labour market.
The competition received a lot of publicity this year – between 1st of August and 14th of September, 76 media publications and 23 Facebook posts with a total reach of 91066 were published. The live broadcast of the contest final was streamed on the most popular news portal in Latvia – and Facebook and it was watched by 19052 (unique viewers). Unique votes of the live stream viewers: 1182.