Theory of Change

Beneficiary journey map

Stakeholder map

Goal Tree

Problem Tree

Social entrepreneurship: from idea to enterprise

Info material from idea to enterprise.

10 questions about social entrepreneurship

10 questions about social entrepreneurship.

Who we are

Latvijas Sociālās uzņēmējdarbības asociācija (LSUA) ir biedru organizācija ar mērķi veicināt sociālās uzņēmējdarbības attīstību Latvijā. Apvienojam līdzīgi domājošas organizācijas, uzņēmumus un cilvēkus, kas tic, ka sociālajai uzņēmējdarbībai Latvijā ir milzīgs potenciāls un paši ir gatavi arī piedalīties šīs nozares veidošanā un stiprināšanā.


Since the foundation in the autumn of 2015, the Social Entrepreneurship Association of Latvia has become one of the leading organizations in the social entrepreneurship sector in Latvia, not only taking care of improving the capacity, knowledge and skills of its members in various ways, but also developing and promoting the overall social enterprise ecosystem in Latvia.


About social entrepreneurship

Social entrepreneurship means the production of goods or services in order to solve a social problem or to bring benefits to the public, not the maximization of profits for business owners. Social business types, formats, goods, and services can be very diverse, social enterprises can be large or small, international or local, but they all share the desire to generate high social added value by applying business methods.

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