Latvian Social Enterprise Monitoring (ESEM)

For the first time European Social Enterprise Monitor (ESEM) has been run in Latvia – we see it as an important step in creating evidence-based policies.
ESEM 2021 – 2022 is an annual study on social entrepreneurship across Europe. The aim is to provide decision-makers in government, business, academics and civil society with data and insights on social enterprises and the social enterprise ecosystem. ESEM will enable them to take a deeper look at the potential and challenges of social entrepreneurship and, in particular, to support evidence-based policy-making, and further develop financial and non-financial support.
The data was gathered by the Social Entrepreneurship association of Latvia with the support of the Ministry of Welfare, Social Entrepreneurship Accelerator New Door and Reach for Change Latvia.

Read or download both European Social Enterprise Monitoring and Latvian Social Enterprise Monitoring.