The Value of Community Science

December 13, 2024

In 2024, the Social Entrepreneurship Association of Latvia (SEAL) will focus on social innovation, exploring ways to develop this area and introduce society to the opportunities presented by knowledge and competencies in this field. One of the latest projects SEAL has joined is a collaboration with two European technology universities, centered on problem-solving through community science methods. This approach leverages the diverse experiences of individuals, bringing together people from various walks of life and professional backgrounds to address complex societal challenges.

Citizen Living Labs and Community Science

The terms Citizen Living Labs and Community Science may be unfamiliar in Latvia, but their potential lies in the synergy created by the diverse life and work experiences of different individuals. At a time when the world is searching for more effective ways to tackle persistent social issues, SEAL is working to connect its members and practitioners with experts and researchers from various fields. Strengthening networks and building member capacity are key priorities for SEAL. Through this project, members will have the chance to find strong academic partners and define valuable topics for social innovation, which could evolve into new initiatives, projects, or even businesses.

The ValuEU Project

The Active Design Research (ADR) methodology will be employed to develop solutions in five thematic workshop series. Originally used in testing digital solutions, ADR will be adapted to analyze social issues in this project. Current thematic focuses include:

  • Mental health
  • Social economy
  • Sustainability
  • Security
  • Digital challenges

These workshops will aim to build a shared understanding of civic engagement, develop collaborative networks, and make the selected topics more visible at the EU level. Workshop outcomes and resources will also contribute to the European University of Technology Alliance’s “Citizen Lab” initiative, which aims to bridge academic and community practices.

Project Details

Program: Erasmus+, Small-Scale Partnerships in Adult Education, 2024

Title: Hybrid Value Chain Enhancement in Europe through Citizen Science

Short Name: ValuEU

Project Number: 2024-1-LV01-KA210-ADU-000256712

Duration: 01.09.2024 – 31.08.2025

Lead Partner: Riga Technical University

Partners: Social Entrepreneurship Association of Latvia; Cyprus University of Technology.

Project Objectives and Activities

The ValuEU project aims to test the European innovation ecosystem model by bringing together two key stakeholders—higher education institutions and social innovation actors. Activities include organizing five workshops, each divided into three sessions. Participants will identify specific problems within major societal challenges, group these issues, determine potential stakeholders, and propose solutions. The project will culminate in a conference to discuss results and evaluate the problem-solving methodology.

